Operations and golf

As a result of the year-round focus, this business division provides guest experiences and services in and around Andermatt Reuss. The Customer Services area takes care of condominium unit owners, and the Catering unit operates three catering establishments that are open year-round, as well as a bakery. Operations covers the segments Logistics & General Services, Property Management, and Retail & Outlets. The 18-hole championship golf course is open from May to October.
Open positions at Town Experience
If you have questions about positions at Town Experience, please enquire with the contact person listed in the advert, send an email to jobs@andermatt-swissalps.ch or get in touch with Sylvia Kempf, Andermatt Swiss Alps AG, Gotthardstrasse 12, 6460 Altdorf, +41 41 888 15 63.