Andermatt Responsible

Andermatt Responsible is the campaign for sustainable, climate-friendly tourism in the Andermatt region. Our aim is to facilitate tourism operations in a way that preserves resources. This is because we are convinced that it is in the interest of all of us to protect Switzerland’s mountain environment.
- 100 %climate-neutral thanks to electricity from hydropower stations and wind turbines
- 0 CO₂thanks to district heating from the wood-chip-fired power plant
- 0 kgPET thanks to returnable bottles on the mountain
- 460 kgof waste collected at Clean-up Day 2020
- 130,000 m³of snow preserved over summer with 36'150 m² of fleece
- 80 tCO₂ saved thanks to special offers for public transportation
Downloads and links
In the download centre, you’ll find certificates and awards relating to the issue of responsibility in the Andermatt Swiss Alps Group.